The Isometric Style

The isometric style is a new trend in game art or visual design. 
The style is like the following illustration (done by me)


It's about a new perspective of viewing objects. 
Observing from above that all the three vanishing points are at infinite far away. 
And, the corner is divided perfectly evenly into 3 partitions (120°). 

Many well-known games are adopting this style too, such as Monument Valley

So here comes the question, that how can we implement our game in such style? 

It's easy but trickier than I thought. 
It's better to keep your models still, but changing the camera's viewing angle. 
Here's some steps: 

  1. Set your main camera projection from Perspective into Othographic
  2. Set your main camera's rotation (a.k.a. localEulerAngles) into (35, 45, 0)
  3. Set your main camera's position (a.k.a. localPosition) into (-11, 10, -11)

 and Voilà: 
