Solving Building to iOS Error: UnityLinker.exe


That's a weird and nonsense situation! 


I've been doing research on this issue, and I some of them point out it's about the in-app-purchase (IAP). And, the problem can be solved by reimport it, I tried but I failed.


This project has nothing to do with IAP, it's a simple game I bought from asset store.

I successfully built after cahnging Scripting Backend form Mono to IL2CPP
And you can find it in the Edit/Project Settings/Player Settings

Ahead-of-Time (IL2CPP) vs. Just-in-Time (Mono) compilation:

Compile times for AOT are longer, but the binary is completely specified when you ship a game. JIT compilation is faster, but compilation to machine code occurs on the end user's device (many platforms are AOT-only, so you may not have a choice). JIT is more flexible - you can use more of .NET, where AOT is faster for some cases (e.g. IL2CPP is better at floating point math than Mono). 
